Dr. Rosemary Papa currently serves as The Del and Jewel Lewis Endowed Chair in Learning Centered Leadership and Professor of Education Leadership in the College of Education at Northern Arizona University- a position she had held since 2007. She has been an active member of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) since her first summer conference, Chadron Nebraska, in 1987. In 1991-92, she served as the first female President of NCPEA and was the 2003 recipient of the NCPEA Living Legend Award. In 2000 she founded and serves as Editor of the e JEP: Journal of Education Policy, one of the first open access, free, blind-peer reviewed journals in the world. In 2004, she was the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award from the College of Education at California State University, Sacramento. Her record of publications includes thirteen books, numerous book chapters, monographs and over eightyreferred journal articles.
Dr. Daniel W. Eadens is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at Northern Arizona University. He was ‘Runner-Up Teacher of the Year’ in his first year of public school teaching, won a Fulbright Memorial Fund to Tskuba Science City Japan, was a music then secondary Special Education teacher, and has served as a school administrator at various locations. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BSME, M.Ed., and Ed.D. from the University of South Florida and is a retired Army Major with foreign service in Japan and a combat tour in the Middle East during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He served as content leader in Sweden learning the education system for the International School Connection, was the ELSC’s recipient of the Hampton E. Williams ‘Research Award’ and the Jack Mulcahy Award for ‘Best Doctoral Dissertation’, presented by The Association for the Advancement of Educational Research. He passionately researches Social Justice, Special Education, Brain Research, and Reform and Shared Leadership, is actively involved in various professional associations, maintains a driven record of scholarly publications in peer-reviewed journals, and routinely presents at regional, national, and international professional conferences.
1 Электронные книги Daniel W. Eadens
Rosemary Papa & Danielle M. Eadens: Social Justice Instruction
This resource offers instructors a full palette of strategies for teaching social justice concepts across subject areas from kindergarten through college. Dividing its content between elementary, ado …