I was born in Bellaire, Michigan. By the 9th grade I was placed in Special Education classes. Where a teacher told me to not worry about my disability too much it could be that I»m what psychologist call , » a late bloomer «. Became a high school dropout at the 10th grade. I»ve became a general laborer. Working in factories, gas station»s, gift shop»s, casino»s, and many other job»s. In 1988 I became HIV+ , moved back to Michigan. I decided to start to settle down. Four years later I find myself depending on SSI and DHHS. I remembered that I liked doing drawings. So, I started to draw many drawings. Later I decided to I liked writing as well. So, by 1999 I decided to put the 2 subjects together and create a children»s book. I have 5 other books on the burner. But first, I»d like to see how this book does. I also do poetry. Which I»ll be creating a book for later.
By the way, I»ve found out that my Special Education teacher was right, I am a » Late Bloomer «. Also, I»m a » Natural Artist » and » Natural Writer «. I»ve had no lessons for either. I»m doing this all from my brain and will power. No classes or teacher»s were used to create anything I do at this point in my life. It is all natural talent»s.
I hope you enjoy my work.
2 Электронные книги Danny Ray Halladay
Danny Ray Halladay: Tree’s Wisdom
This story is about six seedlings that grew up in a forest around a clearing in the deepest part of the forest. The Elder Trees told them many stories and some bits of wisdom to pass the time away. O …
Danny Ray Halladay: A Tree’s Wisdom
‘A Tree’s Wisdom’ is a fictional children’s story. Created to bring the attention to the need for tree’s and plant’s (as in climate change). Also, to help aid Parent’s and Teacher’s to address some i …