автор: Dario Moura Vicente

Dário Moura Vicente is a Full Professor (Catedrático) at the University of Lisbon, where he has obtained his Ph D in Law and has taught, since 1987, Civil Law, Comparative Law, Intellectual Property Law, Private International Law, and International Commercial Law. He is also the Chairman of the Portuguese Society for Intellectual Property Law.  Sofia de Vasconcelos Casimiro is an expert in ICT Law, including data protection and international law applicable to cyberspace. Sofia works in this area as a legal adviser, arbitrator and law scholar since the nineties. Ph D in ICT and Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary, University of London. Professor of Law at the University of Lisbon, School of Law, and at the Portuguese Military Academy. Gives courses in Law and cyberdefence at the NATO Communications and Information Systems School and at the European Security and Defence College. Scientific coordinator of ICT Law courses for NATO Multinational Cyber Defence Education and Training project (MNCDE&T). Co-founder of the Competitive Intelligence and Information Warfare Association. Director of the Portuguese Society for Intellectual Property Law.

10 Электронные книги Dario Moura Vicente

Stefan Grundmann & Christian Baldus: Recht, Architektur und Kunst
Der Band versammelt die Vorträge der Jahrestagungen der Deutsch-Lusitanischen Juristenvereinigung zu ‘Kunst und Recht’ vom 11. und 12. November 2016 in Berlin und zu ‘Architektur und Recht’ vom 10. u …
Dário Moura Vicente & Sofia de Vasconcelos Casimiro: Data Protection in the Internet
This book identifies and explains the different national approaches to data protection – the legal regulation of the collection, storage, transmission and use of information concerning identified or …
Andre Pereira da Fonseca & Alexandra Nascimento Correia: International Arbitration in Portugal
Parties to cross-border disputes arising anywhere in the vast Portuguese-speaking world a community of more than 230 million in a space that offers a wide array of investment opportunities across fou …
Andre Pereira da Fonseca & Alexandra Nascimento Correia: International Arbitration in Portugal
Parties to cross-border disputes arising anywhere in the vast Portuguese-speaking world a community of more than 230 million in a space that offers a wide array of investment opportunities across fou …
Stefan Grundmann & Christian Baldus: Rechtsdurchsetzung und Prozess, Globalisierung und Digitalisierung
Rechtsdurchsetzung, Globalisierung und digitaler Raum ist in aller Munde. Brasilien ist eines der ersten Länder, das gegen systematische Nutzung von Big Data zulasten bestimmter Kundengruppen vorgeht …
Dário Moura Vicente & Sofia de Vasconcelos Casimiro: The Legal Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
This book explores the concept of a fourth industrial revolution as an expression of the current technological, economic, and social changes sparked by the growing interconnectivity and intelligent a …
Dário Moura Vicente & Rui Soares Pereira: Legal Aspects of Autonomous Systems
As computational power, the volume of available data, IT systems’ autonomy, and the human-like capabilities of machines increase, robots and AI systems have substantial and growing implications for t …
Dário Moura Vicente: A Tutela Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual
Os direitos de propriedade intelectual, na medida em que envolvem a imposição de restrições à concorrência entre agentes económicos e à liberdade de acesso do público aos bens intelectuais, assim com …
Dário Moura Vicente & Elsa Dias Oliveira: Online Dispute Resolution
Online Dispute Resolution — New Challenges ist ein Buch, das sich mit einem sehr aktuellen Thema mit praktischen Auswirkungen befasst: der Nutzung des Internets in Streitbeilegungsmechanismen, einsch …
Stefan Grundmann & Christian Baldus: Familie und Recht der unerlaubten Handlungen
Das Thema Familie und unerlaubte Handlung hatte Erik Jayme in seiner großen Habilitation (1971) ins Licht gehoben. Es lebt noch heute, noch intensiver. Unterthemen sind: Gleichbehandlung von Mann und …