Auto CAD ‘X’ For Dummies is being updated to reflect the new features in the latest release of Auto CAD.
Das E-Book Auto CAD 2006 For Dummies wird angeboten von John Wiley & Sons und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
Auto CAD, Computer-Ratgeber, End-User Computing, Graphics & Design software (Non-Microsoft), Graphik- u. Designsoftware (außer Microsoft)
Part I: Auto CAD 101.
Chapter 1: Introducing Auto CAD and Auto CAD LT.
Chapter 2: Le Tour de Auto CAD 2006.
Chapter 3: A Lap around the CAD Track.
Chapter 4: Setup for Success.
Part II: Let There Be Lines.
Chapter 5: Get Ready to Draw.
Chapter 6: Where to Draw the Line.
Chapter 7: Edit for Credit.
Chapter 8: A Zoom with a View.
Part III: If Drawings Could Talk.
Chapter 9: Text with Character.
Chapter 10: Entering New Dimensions.
Chapter 11: Down the Hatch.
Chapter 12: The Plot Thickens.
Part IV: Share and Share Alike.
Chapter 13: Playing Blocks and Rasteroids.
Chapter 14: Sheet Sets without Regrets.
Chapter 15: CAD Standards Rule.
Chapter 16: Drawing on the Internet.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Do No Harm.
Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Swap Drawing Data with Other People and
Об авторе
Mark Middlebrook used to be an engineer but gave it up when
he discovered that he couldn’t handle a real job. He is now
principal of Daedalus Consulting, an independent CAD and computer
consulting company in Oakland, California. (In case you wondered,
Daedalus was the guy in ancient Greek legend who built the
labyrinth on Crete. Mark named his company after Daedalus before he
realized that few of his clients would be able to pronounce it and
even fewer spell it.) Mark is also a contributing editor for
Cadalyst magazine and Webmaster of When
he’s not busy being a cad, Mark sells and writes about wine
for Paul Marcus Wines in Oakland. He also teaches literature and
philosophy classes at St. Mary’s College of California
— hence ‘Daedalus.’ Auto CAD 2006 For
Dummies is his eighth book on Auto CAD.
David Byrnes is one of those grizzled old-timers
you’ll find mentioned every so often in Auto CAD 2006 For
Dummies. He began his drafting career on the boards in 1979 and
discovered computer-assisted doodling shortly thereafter. He first
learned Auto CAD with version 1.4, around the time when personal
computers switched from steam to diesel power. Dave is based in
Vancouver, British Columbia, and has been an Auto CAD consultant and
trainer for fifteen years. Dave is a contributing editor for
Cadalyst magazine and has been a contributing author to ten
books on Auto CAD. He teaches Auto CAD and other computer graphics
applications at Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design and British
Columbia Institute of Technology in Vancouver. Dave has tech edited
six Auto CAD For Dummies titles. Auto CAD 2006 For
Dummies is his first chance to make his own errors.