This work focuses on the autoimmune processes that have now been proven to underlie a number of serious diseases, including diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Papers explore the rapidly expanding developments in research on immune response and regulation, and their potential in the development of treatments for autoimmune diseases. The wide range of subjects covered here include: the nature of intracellular and cell surface-derived «self» antigens; competing theories of the generation of immune tolerance and their implications of current theories for research and treatment; possible links between autoimmunity and genetic complement deficiency; the contributions of interferons and class II HLA antigen expression to autoimmunity; and the potential of monoclonal antibodies and other biotechnological advances in treating human autoimmune conditions.
Cardiac Myosin and Autoimmune Myocarditis (N. Rose et al.).
Intracellular Autoantigens: Diagnostic Fingerprints but
Aetiological Dilemmas (E. Tan et al.).
Significance of Carbohydrate Components of Cell Surfaces (T.
How is Tolerance Generated (G. Nossal).
Therapeutic Immune Regulation in Experimental Interstitial
Nephritis with Suppressor T-Cells and Their Soluble Factors (C.
Kelly et al.).
Regulation of HLA Class II Expression and Its Role in Autoimmune
Disease (M. Feldmann).
Idiotypes and Autoimmunity (J. Kearney et al.).
Molecular Basis for the Cross-reactive Idiotypes on Human
Anti-Ig G Autoantibodies (D. Carson et al.).
Autoimmunity and Immunodeficiency Disease (F. Rosen).
Deficiency of the Effector Mechanisms of the Immune Response and
Autoimmunity (P. Lachmann & M. Walport).
Monoclonal Anti-Ia Antibody Therapy in Animal Models of
Autoimmune Disease (H. Mc Devitt et al.).
Index of Contributors.
Subject Index.
Об авторе
David Evered and Julie Whelan are the editors of Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Disease and other titles.