“A harrowing journey through the corridors of the twenty-first century totalitarianism that goes by the name of progressivism. Must read!”
“David Horowitz is a modern legend. This book is critical to understanding the left and how we defeat them.”
THE RADICAL MIND is both a stark warning and call to arms to protect the country from decline, ruin, and disgrace. It identifies the crisis facing the nation as a crisis of faith — faith in the Constitution that has shaped our destiny, faith in individual freedom and accountability, faith in the principle of equality before the law. At stake? Nothing less than the American way of life and the liberty and freedoms all Americans enjoy.
In his latest broadside against the radical left, New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz pulls back the curtain of secrecy and lies and exposes the dangerous methods and agendas of a woke left mob, and identifies what a decent society needs to do to keep the country from slipping away, including:
- Defend families against the intrusion of outside forces, ideological and governmental, which seek to capture the hearts and minds of children to serve their destructive agendas.
- Stop radicals from debasing Judeo-Christian values and silencing Christian communities and voices in favor of political state control.
- Reject progressive blindness, including false racist narratives that America is a racist country.
- Challenge the existential threat to American democracy from a Democratic Party that has made dialogue, compromise, and bipartisanship impossible and uses a corrupt and compliant media to unleash a constant tsunami of hate toward conservatives and ordinary Americans alike.
- Renew faith in the Constitution and in individual freedom.
Read THE RADICAL MIND and join the fight against the destructive plans of the woke left:
“The hour is late, and the forces of darkness are upon us. To save our freedoms, Americans must renew their faith in their country, relearn its history, reacquaint themselves with the wisdom of the founders, and reject the siren songs of the envious, the resentful, and the haters of human diversity who have malice in their hearts.”
TABLE OF CONTENTS to THE RADICAL MIND: The Destructive Plans of the Woke Left by David Horowitz
Heading Towards the Abyss
Ideology Uber Alles
White Skin Privilege
Existential Threat
A Tsunami of Hate
Progressive Blindness
Coda: Defense of the Republic
Об авторе
DAVID HOROWITZ is a noted conservative thinker, writer and commentator and the Founder and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center in Los Angeles, CA, whose mission is “to defend free societies which are under attack from enemies within and without, both secular and religious;” and further, to defend the principles of individual freedom, the rule of law, private property, limited government and to reestablish academic freedom in American schools. The Freedom Center publishes the online news magazine Front Page Mag.com, where Horowitz serves as Editor-in-Chief.David Horowitz grew up a "red diaper baby" in a communist community in Sunnyside, Queens, and was one of the founders of the New Left in the 1960s and an editor of its largest magazine, Ramparts; but forced to confront some difficult truths about the political left, Horowitz ultimately found a political and intellectual home as a conservative activist. Cultural critic Camille Paglia has said of David Horowitz: "I respect the astute and rigorously unsentimental David Horowitz as one of America’s most original and courageous political analysts. . . I think that, a century from now, cultural historians will find David Horowitz’s spiritual and political odyssey paradigmatic for our time." Norman Podhoretz, former editor of Commentary magazine, says of Horowitz: "David Horowitz is hated by the Left because he is not only an apostate but has been even more relentless and aggressive in attacking his former political allies than some of us who preceded him in what I once called ‘breaking ranks’ with that world. He has also taken the polemical and organizational techniques he learned in his days on the left and figured out how to use them against the Left, whose vulnerabilities he knows in his bones." Horowitz has written well over a dozen books, including The New York Times Bestsellers Blitz: Trump will Smash the Left and Win, and Big Agenda: Trump’s Real Plan to Save America, as well as Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, Unholy Alliance, The Black Book of The American Left, Take No Prisoners, Progressive Racism, The Professors and his celebrated memoirs Morality & Faith and Radical Son. https://www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org/ http://www.frontpagemag.com/