автор: David J. Randolph

David James Randolph is President and Professor of Theology at Olivet University in San Francisco, California, and Professor in Residence of Communications at the Center for the Arts, Religion and Education at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He was Senior Minister of Christ Church United Methodist in New York City and other churches. He is the author of On the Way after 9/11: New Worship and Art. He has been featured on the NBC-TV Today Show, NBC National Radio Pulpit, in the New York Times, and is internationally known for his contributions to church and society.

1 Электронные книги David J. Randolph

David J. Randolph: The Renewal of Preaching in the Twenty-first Century, Second Edition
Deep faith meets high tech here in The Renewal of Preaching in the Twenty-first Century. A communications revolution is sweeping through the churches leaving some on fire and others burned out. This …