From oral history to written word, learn about the history of Oregon through the stories of the Indigenous peoples of the Willamette Valley.
The Willamette Valley is rich with history—its riverbanks, forests, and mountains home to the tribes of Kalapuya, Chinook, Molalla, and more for thousands of years. This history has been largely unrecorded, incomplete, poorly researched, or partially told. In these stories, enriched by photographs and maps, Oregon Indigenous historian David G. Lewis combines years of researching historical documents and collecting oral stories, highlighting Native perspectives about the history of the Willamette Valley as they experienced it.
The timeline spans the first years of contact between settlers and tribes, the takeover of tribal lands and creation of reservations by the US Federal Government, and the assimilation efforts of boarding schools. Lewis shows the resiliency of Native peoples in the face of colonization.
Undoing the erasure of these stories reveals the fuller picture of the colonization and changes experienced by the Native peoples of the Willamette Valley absent from other contemporary histories of Oregon.
Personally Encountering the New Grand Ronde Indian Reservation
Decline of the Tribes of Western Oregon
Changes to the Land & Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Seasonal Round
Settler Changes to the Lands
Unratified Treaties, 1851
Ratified Treaties, 1853-1855
Creating the Grand Ronde Reservation
Encounters with Settlers
Conflicts with Indian History
Conflicts in the Willamette Valley
Battle Creek, First Battle of the Willamette Valley
Battle of Abiqua
Klamaths in the Willamette Valley
Molalla Chief Crooked Finger
Kiakuts Wins His Case
The 1854 Tualatin Treaty
Stories from Linn County
Wapato Lake
Encountering Removal
Researching Temporary Encampments
Temporary Reservations of the Willamette Valley
Kalapuya Encampments
Temporary Reservations of the Santiam Bands
Calapooia Band of Calapooias Reservation 1855
Molalla Temporary Encampment
The Clackamas Come to Grand Ronde Reservation
Preparing to Leave
The Dayton Encampment
Choosing the Grand Ronde Valley for the Reservation
The Umpqua Reservation in Coles Valley
Continued Removals
Promises Unfulfilled
Resettling to the Reservation
Reservation for the Willamette Valley Peoples
Chaos in the First Year
Starvation, Inefficiencies, and Wasted Time
The Path to Citizenship
Health Conditions at Grand Ronde
Boarding Schools and Assimilation at Grand Ronde
Schools at Grand Ronde
Encounters with Off-Reservation Indians
Falls View Encampment in Oregon City
Off-Reservation Peoples of Western Oregon
The Northern Molalla
Basket Weaving
Cottage Grove and Pleasant Hill Kalapuyans
Chemeketa the Gathering Place
Worship in the Ancient Form
Santiam Kalapuyans of Linn County
Kalapuyans Off the Reservation
Quinaby, Chemeketa Kalapuya
Indian Eliza Young of Brownsville
Basket Weaving
Salem the Gathering Place
The Halo Band of Yoncallas
Cottage Grove and Pleasant Hill Kalapuyans
Santiam Kalapuyans of Linn County
Old Lucy and Old Pete of Albany
Kalapuya Mounds
Continuing thoughts
Historic Events Timeline
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David G. Lewis, Ph D and member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, is a recognized researcher, scholar, writer and assistant professor of anthropology and Indigenous studies at Oregon State University. His publications include ‘Willamette Valley Treaties, ‘ ‘A History of Native Peoples of the Eugene, Cascades & Coast Region, ‘ and others. For more than twenty years, Lewis has been passionate about studying the original histories of the people of Oregon and California and has an extensive record of collaborative projects with regional scholars, tribes, local governments, and communities. Lewis’s research specializes in the history of Kalapuyans and other Western Oregon tribes, which he explores through journal essays and on his blog The Quartux Journal. He currently resides in Chemeketa, now Salem, Oregon, with his wife, Donna, and two sons, Saghaley and Inatye.