Gerald Saul: Legend in His Own Mind tells a story that spans the first forty years of life with mystery, adventure, sadness, love, philosophy, and travel of a person who is a legend in his own mind. It begins with the family background of a single parent mother of five, goes on to tell of the life on a small West Indian island, continues into England, travels to German then to the endurance and the struggle of life on a kibbutz in Israel, and ends on the continent of Australia.
It delves into the working life of an individual from being a paperboy to factory worker, salesperson, student, banker, police officer, youth worker, businessman, and teacher.
The individual is not politically correct, uses women for pleasure, is immoral but charming, and is a villain and a hero.
Gerald Saul: Legend in His Own Mind tackles the challenges of growing up without guidance, questioning one’s morals, coping with discrimination, and reasoning the experiences in life and the hardships of loneliness, and much more.
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Although David Singer is shaped by his past, today he lives a settled life in suburban Sydney Australia with his wife and is surrounded by a loving family and friends and is a respected member of the community.