автор: David W. Stewart

Prem Shamdasani, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Marketing; Associate Dean, Executive Education; Academic Director, Asia-Pacific Executive (APEX) MBA Program; Co-Director, Stanford-NUS Executive Program in International Management Program and Director, Advanced Management Program at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore.   He holds a BBA degree with first class honors from the National University of Singapore, and received his Ph D in Marketing from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. His research and teaching interests include Brand Management, New Product Marketing, Retail Strategy, Relationship Marketing, and Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior.   He has taught in the Singapore and internationally, and has received numerous commendations and awards for teaching excellence. Aside from teaching graduate and executive MBA courses, Dr Shamdasani is very active in executive development and training and has worked with more than 80 companies globally such as Caterpillar, J&J, L’Oreal, Mc Donalds, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, IBM, Microsoft, 3M, Du Pont, Asahi Glass, Philips, Siemens, Alcatel-Lucent, Singapore Airlines, UPS, AP Moeller Maersk, Roche, Bayer Healthcare, GSK, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Deloitte, Danone, Nestle, Suntory, Volvo, Ikea, Carrefour, Royal Ahold, NTUC Incheon Int’l Airport, UPS, Wipro, Singapore Tourism Board, UNICEF, USDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Singapore) and Commonwealth Secretariat (UK).   He is also actively involved in focus group research for consumer products companies and social marketing programs. His research publications have appeared in the leading regional and international journals and include the Journal of Consumer Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising Research, Asian Journal of Marketing, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

19 Электронные книги David W. Stewart

David W. Stewart & Prem N. Shamdasani: Focus Groups
The fully updated Third Edition of Focus Groups: Theory and Practice offers a unique blend of focus group theory and practice in a single, easy-to-read source. It provides systematic treatment to the …
David W. Stewart: A Primer on Consumer Behavior
At its most fundamental level, marketing is about influencing the decision making and behavior of customers. Profitable businesses are built on an understanding of their customers and the creation an …
David W. Stewart: Financial Dimensions of Marketing Decisions
This book is about linking marketing activities and outcomes to the financial performance of the organization. The theme of the book is that the marketing function must justify its activities and use …
Stewart David W. Stewart: Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing
This timely set traces the evolution of social marketing from its deep roots in psychology, religion, and politics to its current role as an influencer of societal and behavioral change.Few realize t …
Prem N. (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Shamdasani & David W. (Loyola Marymount University, USA) Stewart: Focus Groups : Theory and Practice
The fully updated Third Edition of Focus Groups: Theory and Practice offers a unique blend of focus group theory and practice in a single, easy-to-read source. It provides systematic treatment to the …
Timothy C. Brock & Eddie M. Clark: Attention, Attitude, and Affect in Response To Advertising
Linked from the days of their origins, psychology and advertising developed as independent disciplines at almost the same time in the late nineteenth century. Providing an important arena in which ps …
Timothy C. Brock & Eddie M. Clark: Attention, Attitude, and Affect in Response To Advertising
Linked from the days of their origins, psychology and advertising developed as independent disciplines at almost the same time in the late nineteenth century. Providing an important arena in which ps …
David W Stewart: Healthy, Wealthy or Wise?
This book focuses on the problems in America’s health care system that have developed over the past 30 years and that will be with us for the next 30 years. It goes beyond mind-numbing quantitative d …
David W Stewart: Healthy, Wealthy or Wise?
This book focuses on the problems in America’s health care system that have developed over the past 30 years and that will be with us for the next 30 years. It goes beyond mind-numbing quantitative d …
Craig Gugel & David W Stewart: Accountable Marketing
Accountable Marketing is designed to be the definitive volume on the emerging role of accountability and performance metrics in marketing. Sponsored and developed by the Marketing Accountability Stan …
Craig Gugel & David W Stewart: Accountable Marketing
Accountable Marketing is designed to be the definitive volume on the emerging role of accountability and performance metrics in marketing. Sponsored and developed by the Marketing Accountability Stan …
V. Kumar & David W. Stewart: Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-Marketing Outcomes
This latest volume of Review of Marketing Research, Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-Marketing Outcomes is divided in three parts: (1) measures of firm performance, (2) measures of soci …
V. Kumar & David W. Stewart: Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-Marketing Outcomes
This latest volume of Review of Marketing Research, Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-Marketing Outcomes is divided in three parts: (1) measures of firm performance, (2) measures of soci …
Daniel M. Ladik & David W. Stewart: How to Get Published in the Best Marketing Journals
This essential guide, edited by experienced journal editors, is the definitive sourcebook for prospective authors who are seeking direction and advice about developing academic papers in marketing th …
David W Stewart: Angel of Mortality
Dr. Raisa Ilyushkin invents a device,  the SANG, that creates xenoborgs; continent-sized organisms that incorporate nanobots, artificial intelligence, and robotics into an efficient living machi …
Allan R. Kuse & David W. Stewart: Master of Marketing Measurement
This collection of papers focusing on the contributions of Margaret Henderson Blair, a pioneer in advertising and marketing practice and a champion of high quality, managerially relevant marketing re …
Stewart David W. Stewart: Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing
This timely set traces the evolution of social marketing from its deep roots in psychology, religion, and politics to its current role as an influencer of societal and behavioral change.Few realize t …
Ingrid M. Martin & David W. Stewart: Maladaptive Consumer Behavior
This edited volume provides a marketing perspective on maladaptive consumer behavior, especially behavior with dysfunctional consequences that does not have its origins in physical addiction. It brin …
Sascha Raithel & Charles R. Taylor: Winning the Advertising Game
Unlock the secrets of advertising success with this comprehensive guide! Dive into practical insights and real-world data to enhance your campaigns. Explore the Super Bowl as a live advertising …