автор: Davina Rhine

Davina Rhine is a political activist that lives in Texas with her amazing family. She loves veggie BBQs, archaeology, dinosaurs, espresso, and aspires to be a professor of women»s studies. She has written work published by: Altar Magazine of NYC, The Women»s Press, Women»s United Nations Report Network, the Feminist Review, and more. She»s been a featured mom in local mags like Dallas Child, and the Advocate. Her work was published in the book anthology If Women Ruled the World by Inner Ocean Press. Jeffrey Levine of Tupelo Press has called her work, «strong and propulsive.» Rebel Moms is her first book, and her next book The Chronicles of the Pharaoh»s Daughter will be released early 2012. As a biographer and rock «n» roll historian, she is currently writing The Authorized Biography of Janis Martin: The Female Elvis. You can check out her musings at Rebellion Press.com and on Facebook.

2 Электронные книги Davina Rhine

Davina Rhine: Rebel Moms
Modern motherhood has changed; it isnt just frilly aprons, mini-vans, and soccer practice anymore. You are a modern moma rebel momready to raise your kids while running a successful business, startin …
Davina Rhine: The Chronicles of the Pharaoh’S Daughter
The Chronicles of the Pharaohs Daughter presents a passionate, ironic, and symbolic collection of poems that blends antiquity, history, memory, reincarnation, wealth, poverty, sex, love, life, birth, …