Transform your organization!
To truly transform your organization, you must learn to transform your own mindset. Beyond Change Management-the only book specifically about the interaction of leadership style, mindset, and the change process-revolutionizes leaders’ approach to transformational change. Shattering the myth that transformation can be managed, this book-part of the Practicing OD Series—offers you new directions and ways of thinking and behaving that are essential for successful change. Its unique approach brings organization development (OD) into the mainstream of leaders’ approaches to change, expanding and integrating the fields of OD, leadership, change management, and consciousness. You’ll also get:
- ready-to-use worksheets
- questionnaires
- guidelines
‘Powerful business solutions to the current chaos facing many organizations today. Dean Anderson and Linda Ackerman Anderson get to the heart of change, the human touch, by using timeless techniques and tools.’
—Ken Blanchard, coauthor, The One Minute Manager and Gung Ho!
‘The authors combine their keen observations, sharp insights, and open hearts to produce towering works that will stand as lasting contributions to leadership and organization development. . . .[t]hey guide us along a path of personal discovery so that we may have the strength of spirit to risk the creation of more meaningful organizations.’
—Jim Kouzes, coauthor, The Leadership Challenge and Encouraging the Hear
The Drivers of Change.
Three Types of Organizational Change.
Two Leadership Approaches to Transformation.
The Role and Impact of Mindset in Leading.
Fundamental Assumptions About Reality.
Conscious Process Thinking.
Change Process Models.
Developing Conscious Change Leaders.
The Leadership Choice to Transform.
Об авторе
DEAN ANDERSON is the creator of The Leadership Breakthrough Program, which is Being First’s hallmark process for changing leadership mindset and transforming culture in corporations. During the late 1970s and 1980s he did groundbreaking work on how to optimize personal performance through personal change, and is currently a through leader in the field of organization transformation.
LINDA S. ACKERMAN ANDERSON spearheaded the development of the most comprehensive change management methodology available on the market today, leading the writing of the Change Process Guidebook for her company, Being First, Inc. She was one of the original creators of the Organization Transformation field, and has spoken about the subject all over the world.