How do you choose between 3 men and still be true to yourself? And how can you learn to take the advice you normally dish out to others?
Sandy is an educated woman, a working mother, and a practising therapist. But for all the practical and emotional advice she gives to her clients, her training does not stop her from occasionally making bad personal choices, especially when it comes to the men in her life.
Divorced from her husband, she is trying to make a new life for herself whilst still looking after her five adult children. She longs for a loving and trusting relationship but often finds herself seduced by false promises and the alluring prospect of great sex.
When she and her friends Caroline and Joan make a pact to find a husband within one year, the race is on — and Sandy is not the favourite to win on this particular course. Both her friends are already in long-term relationships and they just have to convince their partners to marry them. But she is still single although she has an on-off relationship with Ras, whom her friends and children despise.
When an old acquaintance, decides to pursue her romantically, Sandy is flattered. But although the man is passionate, his passion often turns to possessiveness.
Then a third man enters her life, complicating it even further. He’s everything she had hoped for, sexy as hell, fantastic in bed, and even her children like him. But what secrets lie beneath the surface?
Still harbouring deep feelings for Ras, Sandy finds herself forced to choose between lust, love, and keeping her children happy. Which option will she take?