автор: Dennis O. Hara

Dr. Kruse has been practicing Chiropractic in Brandon, Florida, since 1992. However, teaching Bible prophecy has always been his passion. Dr. Kevan is also proud to serve as the president of the board for soilministries.org, a pipeline of vision and resources to Honduras. Dr. Kevan also founded the «Supernatural Junkies» podcast on Charisma magazine, which covers all the subjects that are «off limits» in church.

3 Электронные книги Dennis O. Hara

Matthew Eaton & Dennis O’Hara: Integral Ecology for a More Sustainable World
Laudato Si’ insists on a revolutionary human response to the public challenges of our time concerning the ecological crisis. The volume takes up the revolutionary spirit of Pope Francis and speaks to …
Dennis O’Hara & Alexandra Kruse: The Covid Beast
Is Covid the mysterious ’cause’ the Bible said would give rise to the beast government of Revelation? The Bible warned us of a deception so great that, if it were possible, it would deceive the very …
Heather Eaton: Intellectual Journey of Thomas Berry
Thomas Berry had a gentle yet mesmerizing and luminescent presence that was evident to anyone who spent time with him. His intellectual scope and erudite manner were compelling, and the breadth, dept …