Doing a small-scale research project is a compulsory element of an Education Studies degree. This book will guide and support students through their research, offering practical advice on designing, planning and completing the research , collecting and analysing data and on writing up. It outlines the philosophical approaches underpinning research together with the key concepts and current debates in education research. Chapters cover:
— Research paradigms
— Ethical approaches to research
— Research methods including interviewing, questionnaires, observation and experiments
— Research diaries and personal biography
— Writing up your research
Each chapter includes points for reflection, encouraging students to explore different perceptions on the whole research project. Tasks in each chapter take readers through the process of designing and justifying their own research project. Essential reading for education studies students, it will also be very suitable for those doing masters courses in education, students on initial teacher training programmes and of interest to others, such as classroom assistants, studying education on foundation degrees .
The Development of Education Research
Research paradigms and social perspectives
An ethical approach to research
Getting Started: beginning a research project
Accessing and using literature
Research strategies: case studies and experiments
Research biographies and logs
Use of existing documents
Writing up and final conclusions
Об авторе
Steve Bartlett is honorary research fellow at Liverpool Hope University. A former Professor of Education Studies and programme leader at the Universities of Wolverhampton and Chester, he led the development of the subject at undergraduate and postgraduate level for many years, chairing the Subject Benchmarking Review Committee for QAA. A founder member and the first Chair of the British Education Studies Association (BESA), he edited the BESA journal for several years. Steve taught Sociology at secondary level for fifteen years from the mid Seventies. Steve has a Masters and Ph D in teacher professionalism and has supervised and examined many doctoral theses as well as externally validating and examining Education Studies at a number of Universities.He has written several education books and articles in the areas of research methods, lifelong learning, teacher development and gender.