DIANA Mc LAIN SMITH is the chief executive partner of New Profit Inc., a national venture philanthropy firm. Formerly she was a partner at The Monitor Group, a global management consultancy, serving as chair of Human Dynamics and Change in Organizations at Monitor University where she taught, consulted, and conducted research. She is also a founding partner of Action Design, which specializes in professional and organizational learning.
3 Электронные книги Diana McLain Smith
Diana McLain Smith: Elephant in the Room
A systematic look at how relationships determine the success of leaders and their enterprises, along with tools to help strengthen and change them Since time immemorial, relationships have determined …
Diana McLain Smith: Elephant in the Room
A systematic look at how relationships determine the success of leaders and their enterprises, along with tools to help strengthen and change them Since time immemorial, relationships have determined …
Diana McLain Smith: Remaking the Space Between Us
A NONFICTION BOOK AWARD GOLD MEDAL WINNER * Almost 250 years ago, our Founders thought We the People were the solution. Today, it looks like we have become the problem. What happened, and what can We …