This essential text and practitioner guide is unique in its emphasis on fostering academic learning as well as life skills. In-depth chapters cover reading, mathematics, science, and social studies, as well as health care needs, communication and social skills, daily living, and job skills. The expert authors present research-based best practices for assessing each student’s needs and crafting individualized education plans that build a strong foundation for life in the community. User-friendly features include engaging vignettes, sample lesson plans, and reproducible checklists and forms. The text is a contemporary follow-up to Diane M. Browder’s widely adopted Curriculum and Assessment for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities.
I. Educational Foundations1. Introduction, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Irene Meier2. Alternate Assessment, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Shawnee Wakeman3. Standards-Based Individualized Education Plans and Progress Monitoring, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Bree Jimenez4. Evidence-Based Practices, Fred Spooner, Diane M. Browder, and Pamela J. Mims II. Adapting General Education Content5. Literacy, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell6. Comprehension across the Curriculum, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Candice Meyer7. Mathematics, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner and Katherine Trela8. Science, Fred Spooner, Diane M. Browder, and Bree Jimenez9. Social Studies, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Tracie-Lynn Zakas III. Life Skills and Quality of Life10. Sensory, Physical, and Health Care Needs, Fred Spooner, Diane M. Browder, and Pamela J. Mims11. Communication Skills, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Pamela J. Mims12. Social Skills and Positive Behavior Support, Fred Spooner, Diane M. Browder, and Victoria F. Knight13. Personal and Daily Living Skills, Fred Spooner, Diane M. Browder, and Joshua Baker14. Community and Job Skills, Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, and Sharon Richter15. Transition to Adult Living, Fred Spooner, Diane M. Browder, and Nicole Uphold
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Diane M. Browder, Ph D, is the Lake and Edward P. Snyder Distinguished Professor of Special Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She has over two decades of experience conducting research and writing on assessment and instruction for students with severe developmental disabilities, with a recent focus on teaching reading, math, and science. She received the Distinguished Researcher Award from the American Educational Research Association Special Education Special Interest Group and was a First Citizens Bank Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She also was recognized by the state of North Carolina for Outstanding Service to the Schools. Dr. Browder currently serves as co-principal investigator (with Fred Spooner) for the Institute of Education Sciences What Works Clearinghouse research-to-practice guides in intellectual disabilities. She has provided professional development and consultation to states across the nation and has been an international keynote speaker. Fred Spooner, Ph D, is Professor in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has over two decades of experience conducting research and writing on instructional practices for students with severe developmental disabilities, alternate assessment, and validating evidence-based practices. He currently serves as co-principal investigator (with Diane M. Browder) for the Institute of Education Sciences What Works Clearinghouse research-to-practice guides in intellectual disabilities. Dr. Spooner has held numerous editorial posts, including coeditor of Teaching Exceptional Children and Teacher Education and Special Education, and is currently coeditor of the Journal of Special Education and associate editor of Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.