A 1967 graduate of Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Diane began her working years as a Social Worker in Orillia, Ontario, but migrated to teaching Physical Education and Guidance until her family began to arrive and she transitioned to full-time motherhood. Keeping her hand in fitness, she was one of the first doing aerobics to music with her TV program, Total Fitness — Body, Mind and Spirit. After her return to the Lord in 1978, television and writing became wonderful avenues for the sharing of her faith. Following the publishing of her first book, My Father»s Child, she subsequently wrote over 30 books, including the nine-booklet Predator-Proof Your Family series. A frequent guest on 100 Huntley Street, she also hosted a program called, Raiders of the Lost and hosted Nite Lite Wednesday nights for seven years. In 1988, deeply concerned about the secular humanism being introduced into school curriculums and the issue of abortion, she ran for a Provincial Seat in Parliament, gaining a significant opportunity to make her voice heard. Diane has most recently published a book titled, For Such a Time as This, subtitled, The Interwoven History of Crossroads, 100 Huntley Street, CIrcle Square TV & Ranches — and Life Net Ministries. Diane»s life has been an amazing journey through deep, deep valleys and high mountains. There has always been one more hill to climb.
4 Электронные книги Diane Roblin-Lee
Diane Roblin-Lee: The Husband I Never Knew
This is the story of a family ripped apart by the fruit of pornography and unbroken generational sin. While their names and some circumstances have been changed to protect the victims and families, t …
Agnes Milne: People Are Wonderful
● Follow Agnes on her journey with Jesus Christ, her Lord, who surely called her from her mother’s womb. ● Follow her from Scotland when, as a little girl, God proved   …
Gordon Williams: Victory Over the Kingdom of Darkness
Victory Over the Kingdom of Darkness is the definitive book on spiritual warfare. Das E-Book Victory Over the Kingdom of Darkness wird angeboten von by Design Media und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen …
Diane Roblin-Lee: The Husband I Never Knew
This is the story of a family ripped apart by the fruit of pornography and unbroken generational sin. While their names and some circumstances have been changed to protect the victims and families, t …