Julien Chaisse, Ph.D. (2007), is Professor of Law at City University of Hong Kong (City U HK) and Advisory Board Member, Asian Academy of International Law (AAIL). His publications include «China»s International Investment Strategy» (2019), «The Regulation of Global Water Services» (2017) and «International Economic Law and Governance» (2016); and Springer published volumes — «Paradigm Shift in International Economic Law Rule-Making, and «Asia»s Changing International Investment Regime» (both co-edited and published in 2017)». Professor Chaisse is also a co-editor in chief of a Springer Living Reference - Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy.
Jędrzej Górski, Ph.D. (2016) is a research fellow at the City University of Hong Kong. Formerly research associate at UCL Australia (2017), Endeavour Research Fellow at MLS (2014) and associate at CMS (2010-2012). His publications include «The Belt and Road Initiative, Law, Economics, And Politics» (Nijhoff 2018, eds with J. Chaisse), «The Law and Policy of New Eurasian Regionalization: Economic Integration, Trade, and Investment in the Post-Soviet and Greater Eurasian Space» (Nijhoff 2021, eds with A. Aseeva) and «Palgrave Handbook of Social license to operate and Energy Transitions» (2023, eds with G. Wood and G. Mete).
Dini Sejko (Ph D 2019) is a research associate at the Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, a research affiliate at The Fletcher Network for Sovereign Wealth and Global Capital, Tufts University, and a mediator (MCIArb). Dr Sejko»s research focuses on international economic law and the governance of state-owned enterprises and sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). For his research on the impact of UN sanctions on the governance of the Libyan SWF, Dr Sejko received the Society of International Economic Law PEPA Best Paper Award 2018. He is the author of several articles, book chapters, and a series of policy reports on the “Belt and Road in Southeast Asia” (IEMS-UOB 2020).
1 Электронные книги Dini Sejko
Julien Chaisse & Jędrzej Górski: Regulation of State-Controlled Enterprises
This book analyses actual and potential normative (whether legislative or contractual) conflicts and complex transnational disputes related to state-controlled enterprises (SCEs) operations and …