автор: Don W. Long

Don W. Long»s greatest passion is leading others to step into their authentic identity, unleash the power within, and live their boldest life. He believes everyone was born with a unique DNA, destiny, and purpose given by the Father and it is living inside everyone now and all that needs to be done is uncover it. Don built a multimillion-dollar business that rose to the top 5% in its field, however, he sold that and started another multimillion-dollar company in the process. By 2017, Don»s business was in the top 1% of companies in the US in their industry and by 2019, he sold that business for 8 figures. He has written a bestselling book about sales, Sell or Don’t Eat: How Selling from the Soul Will Keep Food on Your Table. He currently resides in Apex, North Carolina.

1 Электронные книги Don W. Long

Don W. Long: Blueprint of God
Learn to live the life the Father designed for you—and change the world for the better—with this Christian inspiration guide.The Blueprint of God takes readers on a journey of personal …