There once was a little boy named Cameron. He loved dinosaurs. One day, when he was bored, he and his little cocker spaniel named Kitt went for a ride in a time machine box. They landed in another time…the time of the dinosaurs!
Cameron and Kitt get to meet several different types of dinosaurs, including Cameron’s favorite, the dangerous Tyrannosaurus Rex. He and his new friend help others when bad things happen to their friends. And they meet several new friends to help them before it is time for Cameron and Kitt to head back home.
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Donna Phelps grew up as the daughter of a minister/carpeter and a musician/account manager. Her family moved throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania, west into South Dakota and Colorado, then back to New York.
She received her Associates Degree in Business Administration from Jamestown Community College, and worked as an administrative assistant for several different companies. She and her two boys currently live in Denver, Colorado. Her oldest son, Cameron, is now in fifth grade and he still loves learning about dinosaurs.
Over a year ago, Cameron began commenting about different activities he would like to do with dinosaurs. After talking about what he was imagining, Donna and Cameron worked out characters and a plot. It has been a pleasure to put on paper some of her son’s dreams and ideas.