Iftekharul Bashar, Abdul Basit, Halimullah Kousary, and Nodirbek Soliyev.
Dr. Rohan Gunaratna is professor of security studies and head of the Inter- national Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Colonel Douglas Woodall commands a brigade at Fort Hood, Texas. Prior to this appointment, he was a United States Army War College fellow at the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
1 Электронные книги Douglas Woodall
Rohan Gunaratna & Douglas Woodall: Afghanistan after the Western Drawdown
Following the Western drawdown in Afghanistan, the global and regional security landscapes will change dramatically. Al Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban, and their allies, who are still posing a threat to t …