In this book, Kevin Drury lays out God’s strategy for impacting the world He loves by impacting the people He loves through impartations He provides in their encounters with Him. Everything God does in you should eventually work its way through you and impact the people in your sphere of influence. Three words, or ideas, are prevalent in this book: Impact, Impart, and Impression. God impacts us to influence us to move towards Him and into the direction He desires for us. God imparts to us what we need, which is part of who He is. God imprints us with His nature, character, purpose, gifts, and other wonderful things that we need to represent [re-present] Him to those we encounter. "Impact of Impartation" is a must-read for those wondering what God’s purpose is for them, especially after encountering His presence. This book challenges the reader to examine what they are doing with their lives and gives them a road map to fulfill their responsibilities as people who have been impacted by God.