автор: Dragos Iliescu

Dragoş Iliescu has been working with tests, testing, and test adaptation for more than twenty years as both a scientist and entrepreneur. He founded or contributed to several test publishers in Eastern Europe and with test adaptation publishers and firms all over the world. He co-edited the ITC Handbook of Testing and Assessment (2015) and is presently President of the International Test Commission (ITC) as well as associate editor of the European Journal for Psychological Assessment. This is his first monograph.

4 Электронные книги Dragos Iliescu

Dragoş Iliescu: Tratat de psihodiagnostic al personalităţii
Psihodiagnosticul personalității presupune evaluarea cu ajutorul testelor psihometrice, în scopul orientării în carieră, al angajării de personal, al obținerii unor certificări, al facilitării perfor …
Dave Bartram & Fanny Cheung: ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment
During the last several years social scientists have increasingly recognized the impact of globalization on research and practice. It is imperative that psychology as a field be cognizant of this …