Dustin Booher is the Coordinator of Collection Services for the Fairfax County Public Library in Fairfax, VA. He has a master of arts degree in Biblical Studies from the University of Chicago and a master of Library and Information Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh.
Kevin B. Gunn is the Coordinator of Digital Scholarship at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC where he is the liaison for English, Drama, Media Studies, Modern Languages, and Philosophy. He has a master of arts degree in Philosophy from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, and a master of Library and Information Studies degree from Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada. His research interests include digital humanities, digital scholarship, emerging technologies, and information ethics.
1 Электронные книги Dustin Booher
Dustin Booher & Kevin B. Gunn: Literary Research and the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Eras
Literary Research and the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Eras: Strategies and Sources is a guide to scholarly research in the field of medieval English literature covering the period 450 CE to 1500 CE. Gra …