Walk Together Children: Black and Womanist Theologies, Church, and Theological Education draws on the long religious, cultural, and singing history of blacks in the U.S.A. Through the slavery and emancipation days until now, black song has both nurtured and enhanced African American life as a collective whole. Communality has always included a variety of existential experiences. What has kept this enduring people in a corporate process is their walking together through good times and bad, relying on what W. E. B. Du Bois called their ‘dogged strength’ to keep ‘from being torn asunder.’ Somehow and someway they intuited from historical memory or received from transcendental revelation that keeping on long enough on the road would yield ultimate fruit for the journey.
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Linda E. Thomas is Professor of Theology and Anthropology at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and is the author of Under the Canopy: Ritual Process and Spiritual Resilience in South Africa.