Contents: 1. Rhetoric in Argumentation: Frantisek Danes , Extra-logical Factors in Argumentation. — Vincenzo Lo Cascio , Narration in Argumentation: a Rhetorical Strategy. — Eddo Rigotti , The Enthymeme as a Rhetorical Device and as a Textual Process. — Edda Weigand , Rhetoric and Argumentation in a Dialogic Perspective. — 2. Rhetoric and Text Analysis: Kirsten Adamzik / Christa Pieth , Rhetorik der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation im Sprachvergleich (Deutsch-Französisch). Am Beispiel von Vorwörtern zu Literaturgeschichten. — Marie-Hélène Boblet-Viart , Questions de paroles: le roman dialogué en France depuis 1960. — Sara Cigada , L’oratio grammatica et son >extension< rhétorique: Priscien et Roger Bacon. — Svetla Cmejrková , Rhetoric, Argumentation and Advertisement. — Maria Cristina Gatti , Negative Rhetorical Figures. — Daniela Pirazzini , Rhetorische Fragen in gegenargumentativen Kontexten. — Galia Yanoshevsky , An Anti-Cartesian Dream? A Critique of Rationalism in Surrealism’s First Manifesto. — 3. Rhetoric, Argumentation and Reason: Massimo Bonfantini / Susan Petrilli / Augusto Ponzio , Dialogue on Lying and Dialogue on Truth: Rhetoric versus Argumentation. — Marianne Doury , Les procédés de crédibilisation des témoignages comme indices des normes argumentatives des locuteurs. — Barbara E. Emmel , The Enthymeme and Argument. — Robert Maier , Types of Debate. — Christian Plantin , La construction rhétorique des émotions. — 4. Rhetoric in Oral Interactions: Laurie Anderson , The Co-construction of Competence in Oral Examinations. — Carla Bazzanella , Metaphor in Classroom Interaction. — Liliana Ionescu-Ruxandoiu , Argumentation as a Strategy in Face-to-face Interaction. — Werner Kallmeyer , Others’ Inserts in an Ongoing Turn. Some Sequential, Grammatical and Rhetoric Observations.