автор: Edith Turner

Victor Turner (1920–1983) was professor of religion and anthropology at the University of Chicago. He authored many books, including The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual, The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society, and On the Edge of the Bush: Anthropology As Experience.Edith Turner is a lecturer in anthropology at the University of Virginia and editor of the journal Anthropology and Humanism.Deborah Ross is a theologian and writer living in San Francisco.

3 Электронные книги Edith Turner

Victor Turner & Edith Turner: Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture
First published in 1978, Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture is a classic work examining the theological doctrines, popular notions, and corresponding symbols and images promoting and sustainin …
Edith Turner: Experiencing Ritual
Experiencing Ritual is Edith Turner’s account of how she sighted a spirit form while participating in the Ihamba ritual of the Ndembu. Through her analysis, she presents a view not common in anthropo …
Victor Turner: Blazing the Trail
A collection of Turner’s writings that gathers seven late pieces that reflect his thoughts on such subjects as pilgrimage, sacrifice, and liminal processes."The essays reveal a passionate strugg …