This collection reflects on the theory and application of expressive arts today in therapy, education, research and social and ecological change.
Bringing the understanding of expressive arts into its contemporary theoretical framework, the book reveals the expansion of the field from its initial focus on therapy alone into a diverse range of other areas of interest to therapists, educators, researchers and those interested in working for social and ecological change. The book ...
Preface. Stephen K. Levine. Stuhl-leben. Brigitte Wanzenreid. The Poietics of Alterity. Stephen K. Levine. Part I. Theory. Pasture 6. Shaun Mc Niff. After. Sally Atkins. ...
Об авторе
Shaun Mc Niff Ph D, ATR is the Provost and Dean of Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusetts. An internationally-renowned figure in the creative arts therapies, he has wr...