автор: Eric Emeraux

ERIC EMERAUX is a Colonel (ER) of the French Gendarmerie Nationale. After a career in the French Army, he joined the Gendarmerie Nationale where he held various leadership positions before being appointed commander of a Regional Criminal Investigations Unit (2004-2009) and advising the Gendarmerie Regional Commander of Lyon on criminal investigations (2009-2012). After five years (2012-2017) as a police attaché at the French Embassy in Sarajevo, he was appointed head of the Central Office for Combatting crimes against Humanity, Genocides, War Crimes and Hate Crimes (OCLCH) a criminal investigation interagencies central unit based in Paris. He retired from the gendarmerie in 2020. La traque est mon métier, published by Plon in 2020, was awarded the Ouvrage de la Gendarmerie 2021 and the Prix des lecteurs du Ministère de la Défense 2022. It is translated and published in English as Hunting Monsters by Sutherland House

1 Электронные книги Eric Emeraux

Eric Emeraux: Hunting Monsters
For years, a small unit of France’s national police known as ‘The Office in Charge of the Fight Against Crimes Against Humanity’ has been discreetly chasing down war criminals. As the head of the thi …