Ernestine G. Riggs is an associate professor at Loyola University Chicago. She has been involved in the field of education for more than 40 years and has a diverse background in teaching and administration. Riggs was selected as one of the Outstanding Elementary Teachers of America by the United States Department of Defense Overseas Schools in 1974. She is the coauthor of Beyond Rhetoric and Rainbows: A Journey to the Place Where Learning Lives, Helping Middle and High School Readers: Teaching and Learning Strategies Across the Curriculum, and several journal articles. She is also co-featured in the video Ensuring Success for “Low Yield” Students: Building Lives and Molding Futures. In the summer of 2007, Riggs was invited to present a précis of the research on conation at the prestigious Oxford Round Table in Oxford, England. Riggs is a frequent presenter at local, district, national, and international conferences.
2 Электронные книги Ernestine G. Riggs
Cheryl R. Gholar & Ernestine G. Riggs: Strategies That Promote Student Engagement
‘A captivating topic for teachers, as we all have students who are capable and yet choose not to learn.’ —Melissa Miller, Sixth-Grade Teacher Lynch Middle School, Farmington, AR ‘The authors are clea …
Cheryl R. Gholar & Ernestine G. Riggs: Strategies That Promote Student Engagement
"A captivating topic for teachers, as we all have students who are capable and yet choose not to learn."-Melissa Miller, Sixth-Grade Teacher Lynch Middle School, Farmington, AR"The aut …