We aspire to freedom but often resign ourselves to an existence trapped in uneasiness and dread. Is there any way to shed such heaviness and reignite hope for deliverance?
In Traveling Light, Eugene H. Peterson urges us to listen to an expert on freedom, Paul, whose letter to the Galatians reminds us of the realities of life in Christ, freely given to all. Peterson says, ‘If there is a story of freedom to be told, the story must begin with God. . . . The Bible is not a script for a funeral service, but the record of the proclaimed and witnessed God bringing new life to the dead. Everywhere it is a story of resurrection—life where we expect death.’
That lightness of spirit we're shown in Scripture is a gift and challenge. With an open path forward, Peterson calls us to embrace change, exploration, trust, love, and much more. Now with a new study guide, share the work of pursuing real rescue and relief through the abiding wisdom of Peterson.
Foreword by Karen Swallow Prior
1. Free for All
2. Free to Live
3. Free to Curse
4. Free to Change
5. Free to Resist
6. Free to Explore
7. Free to Think
8. Free to Fail
9. Free to Receive
10. Free to Trust
11. Free to Stand
12. Free to Love
13. Free to Create
14. Free to Give
15. Free to Die
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
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Eugene H. Peterson (1932–2018) was a pastor, scholar, author, and poet. He wrote more than thirty books, including his widely acclaimed paraphrase of the Bible, The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language; his memoir, The Pastor; and the bestselling spiritual formation classic A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.