Eva King lives in Oklahoma. She has worked with elementary-age children for thirty-seven years—teaching for thirty years and counseling for seven years. Ms. King has assisted children as they dealt with the death of a loved one and with the grieving process. She says, “My professional and personal observations have shown that when children understand what is going on, they are better equipped to handle bereavement and view death as normal part of life.”
2 Электронные книги Eva King
Albert Sperath & Margaret R. Vendryes: The Art of Ellis Wilson
From the tobacco fields of western Kentucky to the streets of Harlem, from the Gullah Islands off the South Carolina and Georgia coasts to the all-black republic of Haiti, painter Ellis Wilson (1899- …
Eva King: Dear Sweetie, I’m Okay
The death of a loved one is a painful experience. Many families think that the children are too young to be involved in what is happening. However, they are involved. The better we equip them to deal …