автор: Evangelos

PIOTR PIETRZAK specializes in the politics of the Middle East, the Islamic world, and focuses his attention on the theory of international relations. PIETRZAK eats and sleeps geopolitics every single day. He is a political thinker, author, and ontologist by training who takes pride in adding a pragmatic twist to IR theory, political philosophy, conflict management, security studies, and geoeconomics. He is a Former Editor in Chief of In Statu Nascendi: Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations. He has authored several articles and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, including On the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention: A New Compartmentalization of IR Theories. 2021. [This is a link to his academic blog: https://irinstatunascendi.wixsite.com/irtheorist/blog].

9 Электронные книги Evangelos

Constandinos X. & Evangelos: Cloud and Fog Computing in 5G Mobile Networks
Cloud computing is a key trend in computing and networking. Now diffused among end-users devices in mobile and wireline networks, the cloud is becoming the "fog". This book presents framewo …
Evangelos Grigoroudis & Panagiotis Manolitzas: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Operations Management and Service Evaluation
Optimization and evaluation are essential to the operations of several sectors such as the healthcare sector and the agriculture industry. Improvement of optimizations and evaluation are imperative f …
Denis & Evangelos: Evaluating Websites and Web Services: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on User Satisfaction
The pervasiveness of the Internet has had a significant impact on global politics, economics, and culture. To create a truly effective product in such a saturated digital environment, developers must …
Constandinos X. & Evangelos: Resource Management of Mobile Cloud Computing Networks and Environments
As more and more of our data is stored remotely, accessing that data wherever and whenever it is needed is a critical concern. More concerning is managing the databanks and storage space necessary to …
Denis & Evangelos: Evaluating Websites and Web Services: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on User Satisfaction
The pervasiveness of the Internet has had a significant impact on global politics, economics, and culture. To create a truly effective product in such a saturated digital environment, developers must …
Piotr Pietrzak: In Statu Nascendi
In Statu Nascendi is a peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Stud …
Constandinos X. & Evangelos: Intelligent Wireless Communications
The incredible growth in the development and use of wireless communication technologies has led to research in both academia and industry on artificial intelligence (AI) methods that enable intellige …