Evelyne Barbin (France, 1949), full professor of epistemology, history of science and technology at the University of Nantes. Her research concerns mainly: history of mathematics in 17th century (the emergence of infinitesimal calculus; relations between physics, technics and mathematics); the meaning of mathematical proof in history, research on mathematics and the sciences in the 19th century (the contrast between synthetic and analytic geometry; the heritage of Monge and Carnot in France; discourses on science and discourses on sciences in the 19th century), history of algorithms and machines, relations between history and teaching. She is author of about 100 papers and 20 edited books. Recent books: La révolution mathématique du XVIIe siècle, Paris: Ellipses, 2006; Sciences et arts visuels. Représentations du corps et matériaux de l’art (ed. E. Barbin, D. Le Nen, ), Paris: Vuibert, 2009; 1867 L’année de tous les Rapports. Les lettres et les sciences à la fin du Second Empire (ed. E. Barbin, J.-L. Godet, G. Stenger), Pornic: Éditions du Temps, 2009; Gabriel Lamé. Les pérégrinations d’un ingénieur du XIXe siècle (ed. E. Barbin) Paris: Sabix, École Polytechnique, 2009. De grands défis mathématiques d’Euclide à Condorcet (ed. E. Barbin), Paris:Vuibert, 2010.
Raffaele Pisano (Italy, 1970), lauream in physics (University of Naples “Federico II”), specialized in teaching both physics and mathematics (University of Naples “Federico II”), and a Ph.D. (University of Rome “La Sapienza”). He was temporary professor of history of physics at (SSIS, University of Udine) and since 2006 he is currently Member of steering committee of European Society for the History of Science. He recently edited: Scienze e Religioni. Il ruolo delle scienze naturali, ipotesi di studio e prospettive (Uniservice editore, 2008, with Rafael Pascual), Qual è il ruolo culturale ed interdisciplinare delle scienze fisiche e matematiche? Ipotesi e prospettive, (2010. Laveglia, Salerno); Da Archimede a Majorana: La fisica nel suo divenire. Atti del XXVI Congresso SISFA, (Guaraldi, 2009, with Giannetto E., Giannini G. and Capecchi D.). He published papers for international and national reviews on history of physics, mathematics and their historical foundations. Recent books: Scienza e tecnica nell’architettura del Rinascimento, (Cisu, 2010, with Danilo Capecchi). Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A scientific and Filial relationship, (Springer, 2012, with Charles C Gillispie).
Currently he is Research Fellow at Centre François Viète, Université de Nantes, France.
4 Электронные книги Évelyne Barbin
Évelyne Barbin & Marta Menghini: Descriptive Geometry, The Spread of a Polytechnic Art
This book seeks to explore the history of descriptive geometry in relation to its circulation in the 19th century, which had been favoured by the transfers of the model of the École Polytechnique to …
Évelyne Barbin & Jean-Paul Guichard: Let History into the Mathematics Classroom
This book brings together 10 experiments which introduce historical perspectives into mathematics classrooms for 11 to 18-year-olds. The authors suggest that students should not only read ancient tex …
Evelyne Barbin & Raffaele Pisano: The Dialectic Relation Between Physics and Mathematics in the XIXth Century
The aim of this book is to analyse historical problems related to the use of mathematics in physics as well as to the use of physics in mathematics and to investigate Mathematical Physics as precisel …
Evelyne Barbin: Les mathématiques et l»expérience
Qu’est-ce que l’expérience ? Que sont les expériences dont peuvent s’occuper les mathématiques ? Quelles sont les caractéristiques des mathématiques qui se soucient de l’expérience ou des e …