Public Speaking… your shortcut to distinction. Dale Carnegie, the father of modern public speaking training, had a long list of students whose rise to prominence demonstrated that public speaking is, indeed, a shortcut to distinction. This continues to hold true. In every class, club, community, county, country, or even continent, men and women who can express themselves well in public, find themselves on the fast-track to success. The parade of individuals who have risen from obscurity to public prominence on the strength of their public speaking abilities include the following: Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Sojourner Truth, Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Hillary Clinton, Cornel West, Junichiro Koizumi, Barack Obama, Barbara Jordan, and Anthony Robbins. Guaranteed Formula for Public Speaking Success will allow you to: 1) Discover a variety of concrete techniques to become a versatile speaker, 2) Improve your speaking skills quickly, 3) Master impromptu speaking skills, and 4) Review the ingredients of a winning speech. About the Author: Everett Ofori, MBA (Heriot-Watt University, Scotland), has extensive experience as an instructor of English as a Second Language, Writing, and Public Speaking. He has provided training in communication for consultants and staff at companies such as Goldman Sachs, Disney Japan, Mizuho Corporate Bank, JP Mor-gan, Mc Kinsey, Accenture, and Exxon Mobil. Everett is a longstanding member of Toast-masters International and holds the Advanced Communicator Silver designation.
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Everett Ofori, MBA (Heriot-Watt University, Scotland), has extensive experience as an instructor of English as a Second Language, Writing, and Public Speaking. He has provided training in communication for consultants and staff at companies such as Goldman Sachs, Disney Japan, Mizuho Corporate Bank, JP Mor-gan, Mc Kinsey, Accenture, and Exxon Mobil. Everett is a longstanding member of Toast-masters International and holds the Advanced Communicator Silver designation.