To describe this as simply a bedside book is to limit its usefulness. First and foremost it is a book for one’s own private devotions, but no preacher or teacher can fail to gain much useful knowledge and thought-provoking material for sermons and addresses. These chapters throw a flood of light on the pages of the first five books in the Bible—every one has its gems of exposition.
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F. B. Meyer was born into a wealthy Christian home in London on April 8, 1847. As a youth, he often conducted Sunday evening services in the dining room before the children were old enough to attend evening public worship. In this way he developed preaching ability very early in life. Ordained into the Baptist ministry, he pastored many influential British churches. He introduced D. L. Moody to Great Britain; they were fast friends. After fifteen years in the pastorate, he began a worldwide ministry of preaching. At the age of eighty he made his twelfth preaching tour of America, preaching almost every night on a 15, 000 mile tour. He went home to be with the Lord on March 28, 1929. He authored forty books, besides numerous tracts and articles. Some of the best known are The Obedience of Faith, Tried By Fire, The Way Into the Holiness, and Christ In Isaiah.