автор: F. Richard Olenchak

Having served in numerous teaching and administrative roles in education, Richard Olenchak is a professor and psychologist at the Center for Gifted and Talented in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Houston. As an active researcher, he particularly enjoys working with and studying gifted students who have accompanying special educational and developmental concerns. A featured speaker at numerous parent and professional conferences addressing gifted and talented education, Dr. Olenchak is interested in creating alternative strategies that concurrently develop both social and emotional skills as well as individual talent.

3 Электронные книги F. Richard Olenchak

Cheryl J. Craig & Louise F. Deretchin: Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds
Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds presents a plethora of approaches to developing human potential in areas not conventionally addressed. Organized in two parts, this international collection of …
Tracy L. Cross & F. Richard Olenchak: Social-Emotional Curriculum With Gifted and Talented Students
A gifted education Legacy Award winner, Social-Emotional Curriculum With Gifted and Talented Students provides a thorough introduction to methods for developing social-emotional curricula for use …
Tracy L. Cross & F. Richard Olenchak: Social-Emotional Curriculum With Gifted and Talented Students
A gifted education Legacy Award winner, Social-Emotional Curriculum With Gifted and Talented Students provides a thorough introduction to methods for developing social-emotional curricula for use …