автор: Fabian Graeb

Bianca Berger, graduate nursing manager, MSc, Research Associate in the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. Fabian Graeb, MA, Research Assistant in the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing at Esslingen College. Gundula Essig, Research Assistant in the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing at Esslingen College. Petra Reiber, Research Assistant in the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Reinhold Wolke, Professor of Health and Social Economics in the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

2 Электронные книги Fabian Graeb

Fabian Graeb: Ethische Konflikte und Moral Distress auf Intensivstationen
Fabian Graeb führte eine Befragung von 262 Pflegekräften auf Intensivstationen im Raum Stuttgart durch. Im Fokus standen ethische Konflikte, moralischer Stress und damit möglicherweise zusammenhäng …
Bianca Berger & Fabian Graeb: Förderung und Erhaltung der Mobilität in der Pflege alter Menschen
People=s entire daily routine involves movement. Restricted mobility therefore leads to development of a need for long-term care, as everyday activities can no longer be managed. Mobility is thus …