The rapid global spread of the English language has serious linguistic, ideological, socio-cultural, political, and pedagogical implications as it creates both positive interactions and negative tensions between global and local forces. Accordingly, debate about issues such as the native/non-native divide, the politics of an international language, communication in a Lingua Franca, the choice of a model for ELT, and the link between English and identity(ies) has stimulated scholarly inquiry in an unprecedented way. The chapters in this volume revisit, challenge, and expand upon established arguments and positions regarding the politics, policies, pedagogies, and practices of English as an international language, as well as its sociolinguistic and socio-psychological complexities.
1) English as an International Language: An Overview — Farzad Sharifian
Part 1: Native/Non-native Divide: Politics, Policies, and Practices
2) English as a Lingua Franca, ‘Non-native Speakers’, and Cosmopolitan Realities — Adrian Holliday
3) Teaching English as an International Language (EIL) in the GCC Countries: The Brown Man’s Burden — Sadia Ali
4) EIL, Nativespeakerism, and the failure of European ELT — Marko Modiano
Part 2: EIL, Attitudes, and Identity(ies)
5) Researching Non-native Speakers’ Views Toward Intelligibility and Identity: Bridging the Gap Between Moral High Grounds and Down-to-Earth Concerns — David C. S. Li
6) Attitudes Towards English as an International Language: The Pervasiveness of Native Models Among L2 Users and Teachers — Enric Llurda
7) ‘I Thought I was an Easterner; it Turns Out I am a Westerner!’: EIL Migrant Teacher Identities — Bojana Petrić
Part 3: EIL, Teacher Education and Language Testing: Gaps and Challenges
8) Global Warning? West-Based TESOL, Class-blindness and the Challenge for Critical Pedagogies — Vaidehi Ramanathan and Brian Morgan
9) Desirable But Not Necessary? The Place of World Englishes and English as an International Language in English Teacher Preparation Programs in Japan — Aya Matsuda
10) Imperialism of International Tests: An EIL Perspective — Sarah Zafar Khan
Part 4: The Scope of EIL: Widening, Tightening and Emerging Themes
11) Broadening the ELF Paradigm: Spoken English in an International Encounter — Paul Roberts and Suresh Canagarajah
12) Pragmatics and EIL Pedagogy — Sandra Lee Mc Kay
13) Cultural Conceptualisations in English as an International Language — Farzad Sharifian
14) English as the International Language of Scholarship: Implications for the Dissemination of ‘Local’ Knowledge — Andy Kirkpatrick
15) Local or International Standards: Indigenised Varieties of English at the Crossroads — Eric A. Anchimbe
Об авторе
Farzad Sharifian is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Language and Society Centre within the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University, Australia. He is also the Convenor of the academic program of English as an International Language at Monash University. He has a wide range of research interests including cultural linguistics, pragmatics, English as an International Language, World Englishes, language and politics, and intercultural communication. He is the editor (with Gary B. Palmer) of Applied Cultural Linguistics (2007, John Benjamins) and the editor (with René Dirven, Ning Yu and Susanne Niemeier) of Culture, Body and Language (2008, Mouton de Gruyter). He has published numerous articles in many international journals.