автор: Francisco Castro Rego

Francisco Castro Rego, Professor of Landscape Ecology, Centre for Applied Ecology «Prof. Baeta Neves», In Bio and School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Stephen C. Bunting, Emeritus Professor of Landscape and Rangeland Ecology, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA. Eva Kristina Strand, Professor of Landscape Ecology, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA. Paulo Godinho-Ferreira, Senior Researcher of Landscape Ecology, Centre for Applied Ecology «Prof. Baeta Neves», In Bio and Institute for Agrarian and Veterinarian Research, Lisbon, Portugal.

4 Электронные книги Francisco Castro Rego

Francisco Castro Rego & Stephen C. Bunting: Applied Landscape Ecology
An insightful guide to the concepts and practices of modern landscape ecology Elements of geography, conservation biology, soil science and other disciplines factor into landscape ecology’s rich anal …
Francisco Castro Rego & Stephen C. Bunting: Applied Landscape Ecology
An insightful guide to the concepts and practices of modern landscape ecology Elements of geography, conservation biology, soil science and other disciplines factor into landscape ecology’s rich anal …
Paulo Fernandes & Chad Hoffman: Fire Science
This textbook provides students and academics with a conceptual understanding of fire behavior and fire effects on people and ecosystems to support effective integrated fire management. Through case …
Stefano Mazzoleni & Gaetano di Pasquale: Recent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape
The Mediterranean region has been shaped by human activity and maintained by traditional practices of land use for centuries. This has affected the distribution of plants and the landscape, which can …