List of Illustrations
Preface and Acknowledgments
Note on South Africa’s Racial Terminology
The Promise of Wage Labor in South Africa’s Democratization
The Nexus of Work and Social Citizenship as a Contested Field of Signification
Work and Citizenship in Postcolonial and Postapartheid
Conclusion and Summary of Chapters
1. Redeeming Labor: From the Racial State to National Liberation
‘Schooling Bodies to Hard Work’: Labor, Modernity, and the Policy Discourse of the Racial State
The Hopes and Disappointments of an Inclusive South Africanism
Apartheid Social Engineering and the Coercive Enforcement of Wage Labor Discipline
Black Workers’ Struggles and the Redemption of Wage Labor, 1973–1994
2. The Work-Citizenship Nexus of Postapartheid South Africa
Resistance Is Futile: The Governance Project of the ANC in the ‘New South Africa’
The Changing Face of Precariousness
Building the Patriotic Worker: The Democratic
Constitutionalization of Wage Labor
Conclusion. Disciplining Citizenship
3. Contesting Commodification: Social Policy Debates in the Crisis of Waged Employment
Introduction: Governing in the Shadow of Precariousness
Social Policy as a Technology of Self-Responsibility
‘Laudable Citizens’ and ‘Silly Fools’: Work, Families, and the Developmental Social Welfare Idea
‘The Wage-Income Relationship Is Breaking Down’:Basic Income and Contested Decommodification
Conclusion: Precarious Employment as the New ‘People’s Contract’?
4. The Changing World of Work in Gauteng
Introduction: Dreaming of Modernity in the ‘Place of Gold’
Ity of Industry: The East Rand/Ekurhuleni and the Promise of Work
Economic Restructuring and Employment Decline: The East Rand in Transition
Johannesburg Municipal Workers and the Corporatization of Local Service Delivery
Conclusion: Invisible Workers and the Discursive Production of Postapartheid Spaces
5. Translation Troubles: Signifying Precarious Work on the Shop Floor
Coping with ‘Something Strange’: The Disappointments of Workplace Transformation in East Rand Factories
New Canaan, New Egypt: Workplace, Community, and Identity among Johannesburg Municipal Workers
‘We Feel Sort of Redundant’: Surviving the Flexible Workplace
Entrepreneurs of the Self: Individual Strategies and Life after Waged Employment
6. ‘ Like a Branch on a Rotten Tree ‘ : Recovering Agency after Wage Labor
Commodification and the Reconfiguration of Workers’ Lives
A Future Unlike It Used to Be: Visions of the Apocalypse and Labor’s Politics of Melancholia
The Fog of Activism: Working-Class Agency and the Uncertain Quest for Citizenship Alternatives
Appendix on Methodology