Fred Fernandez Taylor is a resident of Miami Gardens, Florida. Along with his beloved wife, Roberta (deceased), he raised and is the father of two adult sons, Fred Fernandez Taylor II and Daniel Darnell Taylor. Fred is a graduate of Klemmer Leadership and Development. He partnered with Klemmer and Associates to help build homes in Tijuana, Mexico. He also partnered with Charity: Water and to help fund the digging of fresh water wells in third-world countries. Fred enjoys reading, writing, and inspiring others through the printed page and blogging. An admirer of nature, he also enjoys taking long walks in the wilderness.
Fred encourages you with this phrase: “Be here, be now!”
2 Электронные книги Fred F. Taylor
Fred F. Taylor: Established by God, Expressed in Nature
We are familiar with the longing for something more in our livessomething to remind us there is more than being driven to pursue goals and accomplish aspirations that seem to be increasingly meaningl …
Fred F. Taylor: I Have Something to Say
This is a book of anecdotes, humorous quotes, metaphors, poetry, and rhetoric that I have gathered on this journey called life. …