This book serves as a single-source reference to the state-of-the-art in Internet of Things (Io T) platforms, services, tools, programming languages, and applications. In particular, the authors focus on Io T-related requirements such as low-power, time-to-market, connectivity, reliability, interoperability, security, and privacy. Authors discuss the question of whether we need new Io T standardization bodies or initiatives, toward a fully connected, cyber-physical world. Covera...
Part I Platforms and Design Methodologies for Io T Hardware.- 1 -Shaping Configurable Micro-Processors for Io T Devices.- 2 Shaping Configurable Micro-Processors for Io...
Об авторе
Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Michael Hübner is the Chair for Embedded Systems for Information Technology (ESIT) at the Ruhr University of Bochum (RUB) since April 2012. He receiv...