3 Электронные книги Gerardo Rodriguez Salas
Maria J. Lopez & Paula Martin Salvan: New Perspectives on Community and the Modernist Subject
New Perspectives on Community and the Modernist Subject: Finite, Singular, Exposed offers new approaches to the modernist subject and its relation to community. With a non-exclusive focus on narrativ …
Maria J. Lopez & Paula Martin Salvan: New Perspectives on Community and the Modernist Subject
New Perspectives on Community and the Modernist Subject: Finite, Singular, Exposed offers new approaches to the modernist subject and its relation to community. With a non-exclusive focus on narrativ …
Gerardo Rodríguez Salas: Hijas de un sueño
La vida es como un telar que va tejiendo historias, nos dice el narrador de estos doce relatos, de singular penetración y originalidad. […] Sin duda encontramos en la intención de Gerardo Rodríguez …