Giorgio Melchiori (1920-2009) ha sido uno de los grandes estudiosos de Shakespeare y Joyce, cuyas obras ha editado. Profesor de la Terza Università de Roma, ha sido miembro de la British Academy, de la Accademia dei Lincei y de la Accademia delle Scienze de Turín. Entre sus obras: The Tightrope Walkers (1956, 1974), The Whole Mistery of Art (1960), Il gusto di Henry James (1974), L»uomo e il Potere (1973-1987), Shakespeare: politica e contesto economico (1992), Shakespeare»s Garter Plays (1993).
6 Электронные книги Giorgio Melchiori
William Shakespeare: King Edward III
The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to students worldwide for its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. The series features line-by-line commentaries and textual notes on the plays an …
William Shakespeare: King Edward III
The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to students worldwide for its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. The series features line-by-line commentaries and textual notes on the plays an …
William Shakespeare: The Second Part of King Henry IV
The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to students worldwide for its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. The series features line-by-line commentaries and textual notes on the plays an …
Giorgio Melchiori: Joyce: El oficio de escribir
Ulises es la epopeya de dos razas (Israel-Irlanda) y al mismo tiempo el ciclo del cuerpo humano y también una pequeña historia de una jornada (vida). La figura de Ulises me ha fascinado siempre desde …
William Shakespeare: Merry Wives Of Windsor
"A significant and substantive edition, in that nothing has been taken for granted, everything has been opened to reconsideration. The commentary is exceptionally detailed and attentive to quest …