What is this Amazing Grace
that saves us?
This world could not fully understand what divine grace is till it was disclosed through the incarnation of Jesus, the Christ. After 2, 000 years the believing followers of the Christ still cannot fully apprehend the depth of that grace. Even today this incredible salvation continually amazes those of us who have been touched by Gods grace.
It is my prayer that this observant and grace-filled, faith-filled book will help you fulfill your fundamental vocation in life: to grow in holiness and to be conformed to the image of God. Grace is the only answer to mankinds need for meaning, purpose and fellowship with God.
This book will help you learn more of the lavish abundance of grace freely given to all Gods children, and discover just how powerfully His grace moves in a life surrendered to Christ! This book is filled with quotations, Scripture, and heartwarming stories.
This book will encourage you to embrace and enjoy Gods grace — and freely extend it to others. As you experience your true identity in Christ, youll come to know Amazing Grace as not just a song but as your true way of life!
And now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you among all who are sanctified (Acts 20:32 NIV).
Об авторе
Dr. GLENN CLIFTON, became pastor of his first church at age nineteen while attending Baylor University. He and his wife Dee have had four children. He has been pastor of Southern Baptist Churches in Texas (twice), Mississippi, and California (twice), with three Interim pastorates in Florida. He retired to the Treasure Coast in S.E. Florida. And has been serving churches for the past eleven years as supply, interim and full time.
A native Texan, Clifton is a graduate of Baylor University (Bachelors), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (Masters), and Louisiana Baptist University (Doctorate).
Clifton has served as a ‘Church Planter’ in areas with no church. We used to call it ‘Pioneer Missions’ in the 1950’s. A public school teacher in 4 states while growing these smaller churches, as well as Seminary Extension teaching for N.O.B.T.S. He has had the privilege of preaching Revivals in almost twenty states.
Several of the larger churches Clifton served led their association in additions, baptisms, church growth and mission giving in California, Mississippi and Texas.
This is Clifton’s fifth book. His second, “What All New Christians Should Know, ” is a quick-start book for new Christians is in its fourth printing. “Being ‘In Christ’ We Have Victory, ” about four years ago, and “Beside Still Waters, ” is an exposition on the “Twenty-Third Psalm.
Although retired, Clifton has filled the pulpit almost every Sunday for 17 years somewhere on the Southeast Coast of Florida. He may be contacted for teaching/preaching, or speaking engagements at (772) 336-3992 or [email protected].