автор: Gudrun Biffl

Gudrun Biffl is Professor emeritus of Migration and Integration at the Danube University Krems, member of the permanent migration observatory of the OECD (SOPEMI correspondent), and of the expert council on integration to the Austrian Ministry of Integration in the Chancellery. She is the author of numerous research publications on labor economics, education, migration and gender. Philip Martin is Professor emeritus of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California-Davis, editor of Rural Migration News, and the author of numerous research publications on migration and farm labor. His most recent book is Merchants of Labor: Recruiters and International Labor Migration. 2017. Oxford University Press.

3 Электронные книги Gudrun Biffl

Gudrun Biffl: Europa und Demokratien im Wandel
Die Buchreihe „Europa und Globalisierung“ leistet einen Beitrag zur europäischen politischen Bildung mit dem Ziel, die Zivilbevölkerung zu einer verstärkten Teilhabe an demokratischen Prozessen zu mo …
Gudrun Biffl (eds.) & Philip Martin: Integrating Low-Skilled Migrants in the Digital Age: European and US Experience
This book compares the effects of digitalization and automation on the working lives of low-skilled migrants in Europe and USA. The comparative analysis outlines the change in work and workers, and o …