автор: Guest Mathew Guest

Dr Rob Warner is Professor of Religion, Culture and Society, and Dean of Humanities at the University of Chester, UK.

4 Электронные книги Guest Mathew Guest

Dr Kristin Aune & Dr Mathew Guest: Christianity and the University Experience
What impact does the experience of university have on Christian students? Are universities a force for secularisation? Is student faith enduring, or a passing phase? Universities are often associated …
Dr Kristin Aune & Dr Mathew Guest: Christianity and the University Experience
What impact does the experience of university have on Christian students? Are universities a force for secularisation? Is student faith enduring, or a passing phase? Universities are often associated …
Dr Mathew Guest: Neoliberal Religion
This book explores neoliberalism as an account of contemporary society and considers what this means for our understanding of religion. Neoliberalism is a perspective grounded in free market …
Dr Mathew Guest: Neoliberal Religion
This book explores neoliberalism as an account of contemporary society and considers what this means for our understanding of religion. Neoliberalism is a perspective grounded in free market …