Global Flood Hazard
Subject Category Winner, PROSE Awards 2019, Earth Science
Selected from more than 500 entries, demonstrating exceptional scholarship and making a significant contribution to the field of study.
Flooding is a costly natural disaster in terms of damage to land, property and infrastructure. This volume describes the latest tools and technologies for modeling, mapping, and predicting large-scale flood risk. It also presents readers with a range of remote sensing data sets successfully used for predicting and mapping floods at different scales. These resources can enable policymakers, public planners, and developers to plan for, and respond to, flooding with greater accuracy and effectiveness.
* Describes the latest large-scale modeling approaches, including hydrological models, 2-D flood inundation models, and global flood forecasting models
* Showcases new tools and technologies such as Aqueduct, a new web-based tool used for global assessment and projection of future flood risk under climate change scenarios
* Features case studies describing best-practice uses of modeling techniques, tools, and technologies
Global Flood Hazard is an indispensable resource for researchers, consultants, practitioners, and policy makers dealing with flood risk, flood disaster response, flood management, and flood mitigation.
Contributors vii
Preface xi
1 The Need for Mapping, Modeling, and Predicting Flood Hazard and Risk at the Global Scale
Philip J. Ward, Erin Coughlan de Perez, Francesco Dottori, Brenden Jongman, Tianyi Luo, Sahar Safaie, and Steffi Uhlemann-Elmer 1
Part I: Flood Hazard Mapping and Modeling from Remote Sensing
2 Rainfall Information for Global Flood Modeling
Daniel B. Wright 19
3 Flood Risk Mapping From Orbital Remote Sensing
G. Robert Brakenridge 43
4 Flood Mapping Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensors From Local to Global Scales
Antara Dasgupta, Stefania Grimaldi, RAAJ Ramsankaran, Valentijn R. N. Pauwels, Jeffrey P. Walker, Marco Chini, Renaud Hostache, and Patrick Matgen 55
5 Flood Hazard Mapping in Data-Scarce Areas: An Application Example of Regional Versus Physically Based Approaches for Design Flood Estimation
Kun Yan, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, and Florian Pappenberger 79
6 Global Flood Monitoring Using Satellite Precipitation and Hydrological Modeling
Huan Wu, Guojun Gu, Yan Yan, Zhen Gao, and Robert F. Adler 87
7 Flood Hazard Mapping for the Humanitarian Sector: An Opinion Piece on Needs and Views
Kashif Rashid 115
Part II: Flood Hazard Modeling and Forecasting
8 Modeling and Mapping of Global Flood Hazard Layers
Andrew Smith, Christopher Sampson, Jefferey Neal, Paul D. Bates, Mark Trigg, Jim Freer, Rob Porter, Melanie Kappes, Alanna Simpson, Brenden Jongman, and Kris Johnson 133
9 Estimating Change in Flooding for the 21st Century Under a Conservative RCP Forcing: A Global Hydrological Modeling Assessment
Albert J. Kettner, Sagy Cohen, Irina Overeem, Balazs M. Fekete, G. Robert Brakenridge, and James P. M. Syvitski 157
10 From Precipitation to Damage: A Coupled Model Chain for Spatially Coherent, Large-Scale Flood Risk Assessment
Bruno Merz, Heiko Apel, Dung Nguyen, Daniela Falter, Björn Guse, Yeshewatesfa Hundecha, Heidi Kreibich, Kai Schröter, and Sergiy Vorogushyn 169
11 Global Flood Risk Modeling and Projections of Climate Change Impacts
Dai Yamazaki, Satoshi Watanabe, and Yukiko Hirabayashi 185
12 Global Flood Forecasting for Averting Disasters Worldwide
F. A. Hirpa, Florian Pappenberger, L. Arnal, C. A. Baugh, H. L. Cloke, E. Dutra, R. E. Emerton, B. Revilla-Romero, Peter Salamon, P. J. Smith, E. Stephens, F. Wetterhall, E. Zsoter, and J. Thielen-del Pozo 205
13 Data Assimilation and River Hydrodynamic Modeling Over Large Scales
Konstantinos M. Andreadis 229
14 Global Flood Hazard Mapping, Modeling, and Forecasting: Challenges and Perspectives
Guy Schumann, Paul D. Bates, Heiko Apel, and Giuseppe T. Aronica 239
Index 245
Об авторе
Guy J-P. Schumann, University of California Los Angeles, USA and University of Bristol, UK
Paul D. Bates, University of Bristol, UK
Heiko Apel, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany
Giuseppe T. Aronica, University of Messina, Italy